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What you can expect from us

Market Research
We have connections with local research companies in Japan and we can provide accurate, timely market information.

Product Positioning
We can work with your team as you develop product strategies to ensure that they are aligned with the unique requirements of the Japanese market.

Business Development
We will help you find the best candidates to be customers as well as help select your business partners and/or distributors and ensure that the right relationships are created.


Local Organization and Structure Support
If you are doing business for the first time in Japan and would like to set up set up a local office, we can help you from A to Z. We can even assume roles such as local branch manager until you find the right team or we can assist in finding candidates for you.

We can also evaluate existing organizations to audit organization capability as well as evaluate the appropriateness of product strategy for the Japanese market.

Technology Alliances
If you are interested in forming a technology or business alliance, we can find the right people for you to talk to. Often, it is essential that these discussions are kept very discrete; we take the approach of establishing goff-lineh communications to explore if there is a possibility to cooperate in the future before engaging in formal partnership discussions.

We have many contacts with successful technologists who are looking to provide seed capital for early-stage start-ups.


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